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Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Brand Name and Generic Drug

As  a layperson, for sure I would not know which one is generic and which one is original drug. Everything looks same to me, I guess. Hahahha....

First, for those who do not know what the differences between generic and brand name drug, please goggle. What I do understand is the original drug is much more expensive compared with generic drug because the original drug needs to go R&D, clinical phase and bla bla bla which takes millions and years before can be released to the market. Then it will be patented so that no company can produce the same drug. After the patent period is finished, then a lot of pharmaceutical companies will grab the chance to produce the same drug (no more deep research, trial, promotion and so on) and then will be in the market with lower price than the original drug.

Even though the generic drug is cheaper, it does not mean it is not efficient as the original. Please change the way of thinking. Before the generic drug into the market, the generic drug also undergo some research to be sure it is bio equivalence with the original. What does it mean by bio equivalence is the generic has the same potential, same active ingredients and same route of administration, time taken to be effective once administered. However, as I know, the inactive ingredients are different. And I do not know whether these inactive ingredients will cause different effect to the body.

But do not worry. We have our brilliant doctors and pharmacist in Malaysia. If we are not sure which one is the best, just ask them. It is up to us to choose to eat generic or brand name drug. Everything is in our hand. If you have more money, just go with the original which already be sure it is the best. The first drug created before the generic come out.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Audit turned me blue


I haven't post new entry for a couple of months. No idea maybe. However last few months myself was busy with audit since a company currently I'm working with is striving towards ISO. Till the big day appeared last Monday, something big happened. Guess what? Something really complicated happened that made me absolutely frustrated. It is not a good idea to mention it in here. And till today, after 4 days of auditing, i still feel like 'feel less'. No words can describe my feeling. It worst than numb and dumb. And i try 'fast food remedy' as i always do when feel down to cure myself. But those things were failed to heal my numbness heart. But sometimes I would say whateveRRR.

It is normal when the emotion becomes unstable, negative perceptions and thoughts keep penetrating our mind. Sometimes i think i have made a really big mistake by rejecting an offer as science officer even the position as contract staff. This thought is getting more logical after 2 of my colleagues told me the same opinion. I don't truly know myself until i become a little bit paranoid in decision making. Oh my God! Please show me the right path. Ameen...

I am just wondering why people so hard to accept their own mistake. No one is flawless. Sebaik baik manusia ialah our Messenger, Nabi Muhammad. Obviously its a negative feeling when people blame you are not good, why do mistake, fool and bla bla bla. Its normal in life. Mistake do occur. The smart people will learn from the past. I remember a sentence and not sure who quotes it. "Wisdom and knowledge are things the believer lacks." Do not afraid to look stupid in the beginning. Sooner or later, inshaallah we become so good. Work harder and then work smart. As we getting older, body language and someone's reaction towards what we are talking about at that time really influence our life. But how we adapt and react it reflects our maturity...Really!!!

Friday, July 20, 2012

Ramadhan is coming

Bismillahirrahmanirrahim... Only a few hours left before night of Ramadhan is officially begin. Unfortunately I could not perform my terawih tonight at the mosque because I have work to be done. In my previous blog I did mention about the interview session at Akademi Sains Malaysia (ASM). Guess what? I have got an offer as a Science Officer C41 over there. After 2 weeks in dilemma and do the SWOT analysis, I decided to stay in Myagri. Why? Because I am not really interested with the job descriptions offered by the ASM. And I did ask some opinions from my colleagues about my career developments. And finally this is my decision. Hopefully this is the best for me. Amin... Alhamdulillah another rezeki from God. I have got an increment. This was not a counter offer from management because I, myself did the decision to stay. Does not matter how much I got pay, still feel so greedy. That sign was not good but I have to realize this is life. EVERYONE WANTS MORE AND MORE. NEVER ENOUGH FOR WHAT ALREADY POSSESSED. Try to put myself in others shoes. Everyone has their own problem. So do I. Just feel bless and grateful. Now I have to monitor 2 units of production which I think able to make me so stressful. Need to learn stress management. Seriously!!! Workload is increasing!!! Hopefully I can do well in everything... InshaAllah...Amin... Ok, Salam Ramadhan for all... I am sorry for everyhting...Together we grab a chance to muhasabah diri this Ramadhan.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Self Determination

Long time my blog is untouched. Actually a lot of things I wanna write but my mind is heavily suffer traffic jam. Another new family member is welcomed to R&R family, brother in law. The ceremony was well done even so tired. It is normal to feel tired is it! That means, I took part in the wedding process. Heheheh... No more basuh ayam and periuk. I just prepared the souvenirs for the jemputan. 700 pieces of apam polkadot with the muffin size. Seriously not easy within 2 days. If superb already it does not matter at all. Tapi an amateur kan. So can imagine the mess I created. Hhahaha...As long everything was completely done. Actually I feel like I have a butterfly in my stomach. Why? Tomorrow I will attend an interview at KL. Malaysia government agency.Really hope that I can do well and able to conquer the heart of the interviewers. I really wanna that job. Seriously. Hopefully Allah shows me the best for me. Last minute preparation really make me like a baby wanna cry all the time. If I am not mistaken, last interview I attended was last 3 years maybe. So need to mentally and physically prepared for that. Ya Allah, gives me strength to control and overcome all these. Really scared. That is why I am writing to express my mess in my mind. A lot of things happen to me last 3 months. What I have gone through teach me how to appreciate life. Everything happens for a reason that I might or might not see. So I need to broaden my perspective of life. Don't want to be so rigid in life. Have to be flexible sometimes. Sometimes, if my problem is too personal, I will not share with anyone includes my parents. However, the parents' instinct usually always right. Even they lend me their ears to hear and solve my problem, but I am the one not ready to share it. I prefer to be surrounded with problems and solve it by myself. I know that I am fragile person but my determination is strong. Nice compliment for myself. Hehehehe...I can conquer Broga Hill, means I can conquer myself! Ok, need to be ready for tomorrow. Need to do some revision. Hopefully everything gonna be smooth. Amin.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Hari Membebel Sedunia

"Sudah cukup cukup sudah,oooooooOoOoOOoOo..."
Best pula alunan lagu ni tapi lirik dia,ehemmmm, macam kurang sesuai jekkk!!! Lirik orang frust tertonggeng kena tinggal dengan makwe dia. Makwe dia memainkan perasaan pakwe dia. Bak kata Adnan Sempit 2,"Heart is hurt." Oo maiiiiii!!! Search punya search rupa rupanya lagu enough is enough is hak milik Indo band. Kumpulan Nirwana. Macam ex nasyid band Faizal Tahir, Mirwana yang popular lagu Hikmah Kembara dan Aku Tanpa CintaMu.

Tetiba discuss about lagu. Oklah tu. Have fun dikala kepala so pening with the presentation slides. Mine is still incomplete, nak pula kena update yang my colleague pula. So pening when have someone to be observed. Nak gaji lebih, beban kena lebih. Remember, hope is the dream of the waking man!!!No sweat no gain!!! Mulut pokpek pokpek, otak dan tangan kena berfungsi dengan BAIK!!! IQ must come along with EQ. No use IQ power but EQ macam rubbish!!!!!! Emo nampak!!! Yes, I am!!!

Back to the sudah cukup sudah song, actually the title is Sudah Cukup Sudah la...Betullah tekaan saya. Ini menandakan saya bijak!!! Takda correlation coefficient at all. Out of topic. Kepala pening dengan SAS analysis untuk executive presentation la ni. Bila otak tepu, apa yang selalu saya buat adalah membebel sama ada verbal or in writing. Hahahahaha!!! I like I like. Wait, terasa macam nak cari glamour murahan. Hati ni terdetik nak compilekan or buat satu novel tentang perjalanan hidup seseorang. It isn't about me actually.

One thing that always running through my head is I should try to get out from my comfort zone. Try to be friend or get involve in something else that I not prefer at all. Its like my mind will say that is not going to happen to myself at the first place when I see or read about something. Then maybe I will know the other side of my life. Maybe it is a challenge for me that I have never done before in my life. Maybe after experiencing everything that I don't like, then I can be a novelist for myself. HAHAHAHAH. Satisfaction!!! Dengan nama lain, menyelami hidup orang yang kita tak suka. Bukan mengambil kesempatan...Its not good okay!!!No no no!!! So, what should I do now? Search for victim? Or back to normal pretend like nothing happen? Macam cerita Gossip Girl la plak. For those who are watching Gossip Girls know what I mean...Ape ape aje!!!Do I sound like a crazy lady?

Back to the topic about the song. Another song that I like to hear at this moment is zero....Yup, the tajuk is zero in English! In Malay tajuknya "Kosong" by Najwa Latif. Ala, yang nyanyi lagu facebook love tu...Cinta Muka Buku...Yang lagu satu nada tu tapi satu nada pun best..."Oo oo, kosong kosong,setiap detik diperhatikan, kau cari cara putar belitkan,kau jadikan diriku kosong kosong, OoOOoOoOOo."Tapi apa yang mau hingat ialah hati jangan sesekali dikosongkan!!!Bahaya oooo....

Okeh, dah habis membebel!!! Slide presentationn tak siap siap.Huwaaaaaa....Tak sukanyaa presentation kali ni... Every grey cloud has a silver lining. Apa yang bakal berlaku sudah ada ketentuannya....Grrrr....So scary!!!Ok, siap sediaaaaaaa!!! "Inilah barisan kita, yang ikhlas berjuang,siap sedia....."
