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Monday, March 26, 2012

Hari Membebel Sedunia

"Sudah cukup cukup sudah,oooooooOoOoOOoOo..."
Best pula alunan lagu ni tapi lirik dia,ehemmmm, macam kurang sesuai jekkk!!! Lirik orang frust tertonggeng kena tinggal dengan makwe dia. Makwe dia memainkan perasaan pakwe dia. Bak kata Adnan Sempit 2,"Heart is hurt." Oo maiiiiii!!! Search punya search rupa rupanya lagu enough is enough is hak milik Indo band. Kumpulan Nirwana. Macam ex nasyid band Faizal Tahir, Mirwana yang popular lagu Hikmah Kembara dan Aku Tanpa CintaMu.

Tetiba discuss about lagu. Oklah tu. Have fun dikala kepala so pening with the presentation slides. Mine is still incomplete, nak pula kena update yang my colleague pula. So pening when have someone to be observed. Nak gaji lebih, beban kena lebih. Remember, hope is the dream of the waking man!!!No sweat no gain!!! Mulut pokpek pokpek, otak dan tangan kena berfungsi dengan BAIK!!! IQ must come along with EQ. No use IQ power but EQ macam rubbish!!!!!! Emo nampak!!! Yes, I am!!!

Back to the sudah cukup sudah song, actually the title is Sudah Cukup Sudah la...Betullah tekaan saya. Ini menandakan saya bijak!!! Takda correlation coefficient at all. Out of topic. Kepala pening dengan SAS analysis untuk executive presentation la ni. Bila otak tepu, apa yang selalu saya buat adalah membebel sama ada verbal or in writing. Hahahahaha!!! I like I like. Wait, terasa macam nak cari glamour murahan. Hati ni terdetik nak compilekan or buat satu novel tentang perjalanan hidup seseorang. It isn't about me actually.

One thing that always running through my head is I should try to get out from my comfort zone. Try to be friend or get involve in something else that I not prefer at all. Its like my mind will say that is not going to happen to myself at the first place when I see or read about something. Then maybe I will know the other side of my life. Maybe it is a challenge for me that I have never done before in my life. Maybe after experiencing everything that I don't like, then I can be a novelist for myself. HAHAHAHAH. Satisfaction!!! Dengan nama lain, menyelami hidup orang yang kita tak suka. Bukan mengambil kesempatan...Its not good okay!!!No no no!!! So, what should I do now? Search for victim? Or back to normal pretend like nothing happen? Macam cerita Gossip Girl la plak. For those who are watching Gossip Girls know what I mean...Ape ape aje!!!Do I sound like a crazy lady?

Back to the topic about the song. Another song that I like to hear at this moment is zero....Yup, the tajuk is zero in English! In Malay tajuknya "Kosong" by Najwa Latif. Ala, yang nyanyi lagu facebook love tu...Cinta Muka Buku...Yang lagu satu nada tu tapi satu nada pun best..."Oo oo, kosong kosong,setiap detik diperhatikan, kau cari cara putar belitkan,kau jadikan diriku kosong kosong, OoOOoOoOOo."Tapi apa yang mau hingat ialah hati jangan sesekali dikosongkan!!!Bahaya oooo....

Okeh, dah habis membebel!!! Slide presentationn tak siap siap.Huwaaaaaa....Tak sukanyaa presentation kali ni... Every grey cloud has a silver lining. Apa yang bakal berlaku sudah ada ketentuannya....Grrrr....So scary!!!Ok, siap sediaaaaaaa!!! "Inilah barisan kita, yang ikhlas berjuang,siap sedia....."


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