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Thursday, March 8, 2012

Weekend Sorang Sorang

Hari ini I woke up late as usual! My sleep was not so lena lately. This morning due to heavy rain. Supposedly tidur lena but when the rain drops hit the awning at my room window, I terjaga dari lamunan mimpi. Gaya terkejut gitu tapi ayu je. Ultimately, liat macam budak 5 yo bangun nak pergi sekolah. Whatever it is, berjaya pergi kerja dengan selamat.

This morning, finished everything related to the ISO. So just waiting for the comments from the consultant to correct the draft. Even though it seems like ISO is so complicated, still we able to make it. There is no impossible mission in this life as long we try as much as we could and then leave the rest to our god. I've got the ISO certificate. Yabedabedu!!!Kehkehkehkeh...What does it means? Jeng jeng jeng...

My house partner is going back to her hometown. Same goes to my eldest brother with his family. So, I will be alone over this weekend. Should I go to my sister's house at Shah Alam? Jauh tu.... Almost 45 mins drive with no jam. Tol fees no problem because I already top up my TNG. Will see how it goes this weekend whether I go or not. Boleh ajak pergi makan Kenny Rogers. Macam teringin nak makan roasted chicken with black paper. Last weekend mengidam Nando's burger, dan dah terlaksana pun impian tu. Kan best kalau my car fully automatic. Once I enter the car, set the destination. And it moves by itself. Hahahaha... Impossible mission this time unless I marry with million/billionaire. Hahahah... Who are they? In Malaysia, mostly Chinese and Indian. The Malay who is listed are Tan Sri Bukhary and Dato'Mokhzani Mahathir.Ermmm??? Buat buat fikir!!!

If tak jadi ke Shah Alam, my back up plan is to bake muffin. Hahaha..Why so rajin ni? Last weekend buat macaron. Fuyooo.. Macam terror ala ala Chef Wan je kan! Macaron tu tak tau la jadi ke tak because never eat the real one lagi. Ada tengok macaron yang dijual but its price boleh beli nasi ayam sebungkus. Kenyang lagi nasi ayam compared to macaron. Nak bodek sape tolong belikan ni ye??? Listkan mangsa dalam otak sekarang. Hahahahahah... Hidup kena pandai membodek. Betul ke? Lu fikir sendiri. So about the muffin, for sure its flavour is chocolate. I don't prefer other flavours. Tak syok and cannot feel its chocolaty taste... Inside the muffin nak letak choc chip and also choc cadbury. Wah, menggiurkannye... Terkumpul saliva dalam mulut bila search muffin picture through internet. Minta minta diberi kekuatan diri dan pitis $$$ untuk buy the ingredients and lastly baking.

"Cooking tak pandai pandai, ni nak baking plak. Mana kenyang makan benda2 baking ni. Baik belajar masak tomyam ke, sup ayam ke, spaghetti ke, nasi goreng ke, kari ikan kepala tenggiri ke, asam pedas ke, goreng ayam ke...." Petikan ini telah diolah mengikut ayat sendiri selepas membaca satu blog yang dirahsiakan. And I am not totally agree with the statements because it is depends on each individual lah. Not necessarily women only kena duduk dapur masak. Cliché nyee statment I. Hahhahah.. It is more appropriate women yang masak untuk family (hand water-air tangan), but kena ada konsep tolong menolong dalam institusi kekeluargaan kan!!! Tapi about cooking and baking, both are mutual la kot. Basic things such as masak nasi, goreng ayam, goreng nasi goreng, sup tu dah kira excellent. Cuma part curry ke, asam pedas ke dan seangkatan dengannya yang kurang terror. Whatever it is, I pernah cuba tau.It just its taste yang dapat 49%. Means fail la tu dengan kata kasarnya. Huh, payahnya!!!

Berbalik kepada perkara akar iaitu aktiviti during this weekend... Begitula alternatif yang ada. Ntah ntah last last tak buat apa apa. Just lepak and tengok tv and makan makanan tapau...Malas punya pasal la tuh. Will see how it goes. Bermanfaat tak....

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